Accredited medical practice

We always welcome comments regarding the care you receive at this practice - both positive and negative. Please feel free to talk to the doctor or staff.
We hope you feel able to approach us if you have a problem with the surgery or any staff member and we will endeavor to supply you with an outcome. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box. In the first instance you should speak or write to our Practice Manager.
Nicole Horton - Practice Manager
Murrumbidgee Medical & Primary Care Centre
PO Box 998
Phone: 02 6953 4333
Your concern will be taken seriously, as we are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the practice.
If you feel you have not been given a satisfactory response after approaching us, you may wish to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission:
Ph: (02) 9219 7444 Toll Free in NSW 1800 043 159
TTY service for the hearing impaired: (02) 9219 7555
Fax: (02) 9281 4585 Email:
Post address: Locked Mail Bag 18 STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012